The Pitfalls of Positive Affirmations: Why Magical Techniques are Misleading

Positive affirmations are a popular tool for self-improvement, and they have been for decades. The idea is that if you repeat positive statements to yourself, you can change your mindset and your life. Many people swear by the power of positive affirmations, claiming that they have transformed their lives for the better. However, there is a growing concern that people are getting sidetracked by all the positive affirmation advice, and that some of the techniques being touted as magical are nothing more than empty promises.

Fidel Seehawer
5 min readMar 9, 2023

One of the problems with positive affirmations is that they are often presented as a quick fix or a magical solution to life’s problems. You may have heard advice like “just repeat these affirmations for 21 days, and your life will change,” or “if you think positively enough, you can manifest anything you want.” While these claims may sound enticing, they are often misleading.



Fidel Seehawer

A father, husband, and software developer from the lovely city of Düsseldorf. With a passion for technology and a strong drive to constantly learn.